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Sardinia tours


Sardinia, an island that feels like its own world, offers an extraordinary blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Discover France invites you to explore this unique Mediterranean gem on our meticulously crafted Sardinia Island tours, where every day is an adventure through time, taste, and tradition, all from the seat of your bicycle.

Sardinia is part of Italy, yet it stands apart with its ancient roots and proud heritage. Our cycling tours allow you to immerse yourself in the island’s distinct character, from the rugged landscapes of the Sinis Peninsula to the rich historical tapestry woven through its towns and villages. As you pedal through Sardinia, you’ll uncover the remnants of past civilizations, such as the Punic and Roman ruins of Tharros, which offer breathtaking views and a tangible connection to the island’s storied past.

The journey begins in the historic town of Alghero, known for its Catalan influence and the impressive Castello dei Malaspina in Bosa. As you cycle through diverse landscapes like the Plateau of Planargia and the ancient sites of San Leonardo and Santu Lussurgiu, you’ll feel the island’s history come alive. Fordongianus, with its famed mineral waters and Roman ruins, offers a unique glimpse into the ancient world, while the natural wonders of the Arco di S’Archittu and the pristine beaches of the Sinis Peninsula reveal Sardinia’s untamed beauty.

But Sardinia is not just about history and landscapes; it’s also a feast for the senses. As you explore, you’ll be treated to the island’s rich culinary traditions. Savor the flavors of Sardinian cuisine with dishes like culurgiones (a type of stuffed pasta), the succulent porceddu (roast suckling pig), and the sweet delight of seadas (a honey-filled pastry). Pair these with the island’s renowned wines, such as Vermentino and Cannonau, and you’ll experience the full spectrum of Sardinia’s gastronomic heritage.

Our tours are designed to offer the perfect balance between exploration and relaxation. Picture yourself riding along the crystalline waters and sandy beaches, stopping for a leisurely lunch at a seaside restaurant like “Da Giovanni” in Marina di Torre Grande, where you can indulge in unforgettable local specialties like peppered mussels. The relaxed pace of our itinerary ensures that you have ample time to soak in the scenery, visit local markets, and truly connect with the Sardinian way of life.

Each day on our Sardinia Island tours brings new discoveries, whether you’re exploring the archaeological wonders of Tharros, riding along the picturesque Cabras lagoon, or arriving in the historic town of Oristano. These moments, combined with the island’s stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, make our Sardinia tours an unforgettable experience.

When embarking on a cycling adventure through Sardinia with Discover France, there are several “must-see” highlights that encapsulate the essence of this extraordinary island, making your journey both enriching and unforgettable.

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A visit to Alghero is a must, with its charming blend of Italian and Catalan influences. The town’s cobblestone streets, historic fortifications, and stunning views of the Mediterranean set the perfect tone for your exploration of Sardinia. As you cycle through the surrounding areas, the Castello dei Malaspina in Bosa stands as a striking medieval fortress perched above the town, offering panoramic views and a fascinating glimpse into the island’s past.

The Sinis Peninsula is another unmissable destination, renowned for its pristine beaches and archaeological significance. Here, you’ll find the ancient ruins of Tharros, a once-thriving Punic-Roman port city that overlooks the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean. Walking among the remnants of temples, streets, and baths, you can almost feel the pulse of history beneath your feet. This area is also home to the picturesque Cabras lagoon, where the tranquility of the water contrasts beautifully with the vibrant local life in the surrounding villages.

For those interested in natural wonders, the Arco di S’Archittu is a breathtaking rock arch carved by the sea over millennia. It’s a perfect spot to pause and take in the island’s raw, unspoiled beauty. The Plateau of Planargia offers another stunning landscape, where the rugged terrain meets the open sky, creating a sense of vastness and freedom that is quintessentially Sardinian.

History enthusiasts will be drawn to Fordongianus, famous for its ancient Roman baths and mineral springs. This site offers a rare opportunity to experience the therapeutic waters that have been cherished since Roman times, while also exploring the remnants of Roman engineering and architecture that still stand today.

No trip to Sardinia would be complete without experiencing the cultural richness of towns like Oristano and Santu Lussurgiu, where time-honored traditions, local markets, and artisan crafts are still very much alive. These towns provide a deeper understanding of Sardinian culture, from the famed pecorino cheese to the vibrant murals of Orgosolo that tell stories of the island’s social and political history.

These “must-see” locations are not just stops on a map—they are the heart and soul of Sardinia. They offer a blend of natural beauty, historical depth, and cultural richness that makes this island such a unique and captivating destination. With Discover France, you’ll experience Sardinia not just as a tourist, but as a traveler deeply connected to the places you visit, ensuring that your journey is as meaningful as it is memorable.