At Discover France, we work every day to offer you the best trips ever. The opinion of our travelers is for us a very precious source of information that we strive to give you in the most transparent way.
What steps do we take to collect your feedback?
Upon their return, we send an email to our travelers inviting them to share their impressions of their trip by replying to the email and also rating, on the Tripadvisor application and on the Discover France website.
Only travelers who have actually traveled with Discover France receive this email. We guarantee that 100% of the reviews and ratings published on our website come exclusively from travelers who have taken the trip. When several people travel together and are registered on the same file, only the person in charge of the file receives the email and will rate us on behalf of all the participants of the trip.
The Tripadvisor application proposes a travel evaluation grid indicating a grade from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). We consider that a traveler is satisfied with his trip when he rates the trip between 4 and 5. Conversely, we consider that they are not satisfied when they rate the trip between 1 and 3. In the Tripadvisor application, our travelers can also write a review to be published on the Tripadvisor website.
What rules do we follow to publish your reviews?
Reviews are published as is immediately on Tripadvisor and without human intervention, as long as they respect Tripadvisor’s editorial guidelines.
The traveler can change the content of his review and resubmit it.
Reviews are published by Tripadvisor and sorted by date of departure of the trip, from the most recent to the most distant.
The reviews on Discover France website are published without human intervention compared to the reviews published on Tripadvisor.
The reviews remain the property of Discover France. We can use them freely on the different pages of our website or on our communication supports.
Our editorial policy
Reviews containing discriminatory, obscene, abusive or violent language will not be published.
The reviews published are limited to impressions or remarks about the trip concerned.
Reviews must not mention any information about your private life (phone numbers, email, family name, ...) or that of other people.
Reviews should not refer to the people you met, the staff, or the travel consultants by name, except with their consent.
The reviews are the property of Discover France. Their authors therefore waive all rights.
If we have to quarantine a comment for one of the reasons mentioned above, the author of the comment is informed by email and can rewrite it to submit it again for publication.
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